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Before you book one of our events please read through the following notes. We want to be as fair as we can and ensure you are aware of our terms of booking.

We run regular events all of which are pre booked and pre paid.


Spaces are limited and they sell out on most occasions.


Once you have booked your places they are yours. You own them. And we guarantee those places at the event, and we guarantee the event will be exactly as we have described.

If we sell out we will turn away other people who attempt to book places. 


We know that things happen that mean you need to change your plans, but we think its unfair that your change of plan (even if its an illness or just not your fault) costs us money, so we don't refund places that you have bought regardless of the reason.  And this includes cancellations caused by COVID infections or any other illness.


We know that things happen outside your control, but things that happen to you are outside of our control too - so we think we shouldn't be disadvantaged.


This includes situations such as road closures or problems with the weather. If you can't get here because a road has been closed, or because the weather makes it a problem travelling we will not refund your tickets. At the risk of repeating - its not your fault it has snowed all day, but its not our fault either.


If you want or need to cancel your booking contact us. If there is time and we can try to resell your places we will refund 75% of your payment. We keep the balance to offset the extra admin involved in the cancellation, re advertising and rebooking. If there is not enough time, or we are unable to sell your places they are your to use, sell or give away.


To turn away bookings because we are full, and then refund you and end up with empty seats is unfair. Most people see that.


There is no gain for us if you pay money and don't turn up. Some people think we have "won" because we have "money for nothing". This isn't true. Most of our costs will be the same even without you. And you not coming, even if you have paid, loses us income. Because we could have sold the places to people who would have spent money at the bar, but we sold the places to people who didn't turn up. You lose. We lose.


In normal circumstances we have very few people who wish to cancel, but there is sometimes aggravation when they do - this is unfortunate.


We want you to see events you like, book them, come here and have a great time. And everything we do is in an attempt to achieve that. But we also need to protect our income - especially after the last few years which have been at times tricky, and our current costs have risen dramatically.


Cancelled bookings and "no shows" right now is a large problem in our industry and we just need to reduce the impact it has on our business. This policy applies to circumstances where you are unable to attend - eg illness, poor weather, a change of plan. You will have noticed many venues now take card details or a deposit to protect themselves if you don't show up.


In the event that we are unable to stage the event because of any reason such as power failure, another venue problem or terrible weather we will of course offer you a full refund and other options for your payment.



Thank You.

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